graphic design & art direction



Belgian Space Week


brand identity
web design

motion design
printed matter

development by
Mathieu Serruys

On March 24 2022, it will have been 30 years since the first Belgian went into space. It was on this date that astro­naut Dirk Frimout left for space in the American shut­tle Atlantis. The year 2022 also marks the 20th anniver­sary of Frank De Winne’s first space flight.

Belgian Space Week was an event in 2022 to celebrate Belgian space travel. For this special occasion, there were lectures from international astronauts, webinars and expositions all over the country.

I designed a visual identity which communicates this event to an international crowd by implementening the Belgian tricolor and space inspired shapes.

The website forms the core of the event's branding and is currently used by all the nine Belgian universities in four different languages.
